As Promised~Sociopath Barry Conner Hendersonville NC

As I promised in an earlier post My Wife~My Life I'm going to tell you about the man that broke up my marriage. Mind you he and I were best friends. First, I'll admit I'm not the greatest person. Before I met him I'd had a fling with a woman I met in a store I frequented and this caused a lot of grief for my wife and I. I never told her the truth, I denied it like most cheaters. She wasn't around at the time so I figure it was kind of fair game. Enough of that. I was having a hard time with my wife, she'd left me once again mostly because of my excessive drinking but no one is going to tell me I can't have beer. I would be at Barry's and call to get beer money and my wife and I would start fighting. A few times I even handed the phone to Barry and told him to deal with it and get me beer money. This didn't mean he could have at it with her.

The point here is that he saw how easy it was to get free money and decided he wanted a piece of the pie. That and while we were both drunk I told him alot of crap. Crap I don't remember saying. I told him about the things her family said about her dad and his money, about her grandfather and his casinos and other businesses in Vegas. I told him alot of stuff when I was cranked up on beer and jagermeister. Who knows what I told him? More than half of it was crap, a little of it was true but mostly it was me running my mouth while I was pie eyed.

Needless to say he wanted this free money for himself and thought he'd be able quit working right after he snowed her into giving it to him along with her property. He actually thought he was going to get something. Problem is, she had no money, not really. Maybe she could've paid for his beer and pot habit but other than that, little else. He sure wasn't going to be able to stop working. I kind of wondered why he started talking about business ventures. It never dawned on me, this is what he had in mind. Until it was too late. This is about Barry Gueva Conner Hendersonville NC.... Peace out!!!!


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